
Showing posts from April, 2017

Film Critique: (Psycho 1960)

Jennifer Sanchez Professor Bomboy Arts and Humanities 101 23 April 2017 Psycho Film Critique             I have chosen to critique the movie Psycho directed by Alfred Hitchock. This movie was adapted from the novel Psycho by Robert Bloch. I chose to critique the way the camera and the music were portrayed in this film which made it interesting.             The film Psycho was made to make Roberts Bloch novel come to life and it gave the audience an emotional response to it. If I didn’t mention this movie is also a thriller/suspense film. This film shows the deadly effects of money and victimization of a crime. Hitchcock, lets the audience become an individual character. He lets the audience see the world through a character’s eyes. The plot of the film gives the audience a psychological effect on good and evil and how that exists in everyone. The audience and the characters in the film too exhibit this. The films show a lot of different personalities within the m

Non-Western Art (Africa)

Jennifer Sanchez Professor Bomboy Modern Culture and the Arts 9 April 2017             As today there are still pieces of Non-Western art left behind. Depending from what part of the world they are from they have a style to it that represents where it came from. For example, Africa. Africa is continent with many different people and many different civilization and they all have different cultures that they apply to. Most of African arts are made from wood but they are usually sculptured with ivory, stone, or gems. African art are mostly masks. One famous African mask is the “Queen Mother Pendant Mask”.it is made out of iron, ivory and copper. This mask is from Nigeria, Court of Benin and was created in the 16 th century.             This mask was said to be built for “the King “Oba” Esigie, the king of Benin, to honor his mother, Idia” ( These types of masks are usually worn spiritual ceremonies and purification ceremonies. This mask is made from ivory

Classical Architecture- United States Capitol Building

Jennifer Sanchez Professor Bomboy Modern Culture and the Arts 01 March 2017 The United States Capital Building As we all know the ancient architecture of the Roman and the Greeks have played an important role in our modern world architectures. Many places like the United States have taken the knowledge of the way that the Romans and the Greek built buildings and have use it to make buildings of their own. A building that shows this knowledge is the United States capital. This building is the home of the U.S congress, and the seat of the legislative branch. The United States Capital building is in Washington, DC.             This building is a neoclassical architectural style that the United States use advantage of for their building. The style of this building is mesmerizing by its tall columns, its beautiful dome. This building is made of Corinthian order. The Corinthian columns in this building are an example of a modified Corinthian column style. The columns are